

They could hear it again today. The roar of the creature under King Minos’ castle. The earth shook. It was angry today, without doubt. Columns and houses was falling apart. People ran for cover. The Minotaur could be on it’s way out of the labyrinth.

Milas was herding his sheep when the earth started shaking. His animals ran off in panic. The quakes had never been this strong before. The Minotaur was angry today. Strange. The last sacrifice was just some moons ago.

The people of Crete feared the beast under the castle. Part ox. Part human. Part god. A horrible monster of destruction, only calmed by young Athenians sacrificed every five years, seven boys and seven girls.

Heroclas got on his feet. The quake had calmed down, and the Minotaur was could not be seen. Maybe they were safe for now. He looked down at the bay. The sea seemed to be pulling out, away from the island.

That’s strange… He said to Toras who had already started brooming the broken pottery on the workshop floor.

Toras looked up. The sea… It’s pulling away?

Sure looks like it. The two men stood watching. They’d never seen anything like this before.

It… Heroklas grabbed the pot maker’s arm. It’s coming back! Run!

It was too late. The sea came pushing into the city, pulling with it houses and people the same. People ran for shelter, but there was no escape. Doomsday was the last word Heroklas thought before he died.

Milas had gotten some of his sheep under control when he saw the sea entering the land. This could not have anything to do with the Minotaur, and the Cretan Goddess of the sea would never do this to her people. This had to be the work of the gods of the Mycenaeans, the gods of Athens. They had finally decided to revenge their lost children.

He ran down the hills, through the valley to the other side of the mountain. His wife. His children. His friends. He arrived. The village was still there. They were all still there.



  1. I like your painting of the fresco! Also, a very happy ending for one of your stories 😉 I guess Milas lived in a smaller village that was spared the catastrophe?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! He lived higher up in the mountains, so the tsuami didn’t get there. The colours ended up a bit pale, I’d wanted them stronger. I might go over it again, but I was already late, so I just wanted to publish.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I like mythology a lot too. This one didn’t come out quite as mythological as planned, in the end the gods and monsters are seen only through the beliefs of the people. It might not be totally historically accurate, but I did do some research.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love how you illustrate the ancient world’s way of explaining the world through mythology. You handle the subject beautifully. If you ever have the chance, you should read a book called ‘Sophie’s World’ by Jostein Gaarder. It’s set in a fictional world, but it explores the history of philosophy from its roots in the mythology of antiquity through to the modern world. I think you may enjoy it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 I know the book, but I haven’t read it. I did read a couple of other books by Gaarder when I was a child, good mind opening children’s entertainment. I started on Sophie’s World as well, but I guess I was too young. At least I got bored an left it. I might give it another try, though. If you recommend a book, Ekaterina, I’m listening 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I first read it when I was in high school. Early on it was too dense with information for my liking, but then the story took hold and it turned into something truly spectacular. The characters literally took on a life of their own. Definitely give it another try 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Great take on ancient mythology. This was a nice little snapshot interpretation of ‘what might have been.’ I hope to write some stories of my own based on old folklore and mythology in the near future 😊

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