Scream in Silence

“Tonight I’m going to tell you the story about Jack. Jack was a young man, a man living here in this village. Jack walked the streets late at night, strode when everyone else had gone to bed.

Jack was the night guard, the man who lit the street lamps at night. The watchman, the man who kept us all safe.”

All the children listened carefully. Old Davick took a deep breath, and went on with his story.

“One night Jack saw something on top of the high mountain top behind the village. The old legends say it’s holy, but there are even older legends saying it is cursed.

He saw something move up there, something big, rounding the top before it disappeared… (more)

A troll listening to a bondfire story fictionspawn Aak

Sides of the Story

The huge mountain troll had been listening to the story from his cave underneath. He remembered the event like it was yesterday, even though he could not count the winters gone by since then. Disgusting little humans coming around to steal his gold.

“Once upon a time…”, followed by lies, lies and other lies. “The greedy troll”, they said. That smelly little human described as a hero.

That much he could handle. It was the end. The end were that little brat supposedly had fooled him, even slayed him. Him, the King of the mountain, tricked and murdered by a human? He felt his blood boil in his veins of anger…

Witch cooking a brew.

Witches Brew

Hello! An elderly woman was standing by the side of the road. Good afternoon, Marcy said. Could you please help … More