Ghost Train

Night Train.jpg

Jaques was sitting in the cockpit of the train looking forward. It was late night, and he couldn’t wait to get home. Find a good movie online, and just relax until he fell asleep.

Something strange could be seen in the distance. He stood up. At first he didn’t believe it, these things shouldn’t happen. But it was. Something was coming towards them on the tracks. Another train. It had no lights. He knew it was already too late.

Marie and Jerome had gotten a first class ticket. There was good food, and the seats was comfortable. They were sitting in front of each other. Jerome had gotten the better seat, the one facing the way they were going. An elderly lady was sitting beside him.

Finally! Said Jerome. I needed to get away now.

Me too, smiled Marie. This is going to be the best vacation ever!

Sure is. I love going on trains as well. Such a relaxing and safe way of travelling.

It’s not always safe, said the old woman. Jerome turned towards her. He had to concentrate not to laugh. Strange thing to say out of nowhere.

Why do you say that?

There was an accident here on this track many, many years ago. Said the old woman

Really? Answered Marie, ignoring the ridiculing look Jerome sent her.

Well, they say it wasn’t even an accident. She added.

What happened?

Two trains went opposite directions on the same tracks. They say it was an insurance scam. That the company did it on purpose, and they got away with it, too. Lots of people died.

That’s horrib….

Jerome fell forward. Marie’s food went flying. Suitcases were falling down from the luggage shelves.

Jaques was lying on the brake lever. Trains take a long time to stop. He was sure he was going to die.


A man was throwing coal into an oven. His body was strange, like if they were crushed, ripped to pieces and put together again.

Time seemed to stop when Jerome was mid-air. Everything was changed. The wagon. The people. The furniture was older, the seats had leather cover. The walls were made of wood. A man and a woman were sitting in front of him where his girlfriend just had been. The man had a top hat on his head. His head was crushed, skin floating in the airs as textile under water. Bones sticking out. He was smiling. The woman by his side had a white dress. On some parts. One of her thighs could be seen. It was just a bone, broken into pieces.It was a horrible sight.

Reality came back. Like when you get your head out of the silence of the water. Jerome crashed into the seat in front. Marie’s food splashed out on her dress. The woman beside them fell on the floor. She screamed. Her arm was in a strange position, broken.

The train had stopped. Jerome looked over to the rest of the passengers. They were all as confused as him. The lady with the broken arm was moaning. Jerome was helping her up in her seat.

The driver came half falling into the wagon.

Did you see the…? He stopped. Their faces were as white as his. They’d all seen it.


I guess we’ll have to get going, Jaques said after a while and went back into the locomotive. The train started slowly. Soon they were going again. No one spoke the rest of the journey.

His Grandpa’s Cabin


        1. Will do. The only thing you missed was Paul transforming into a swarm of Monarch Butterflies to impress his physicist friends and getting Akira really excited. Oh. And Paul sounded a bit evil afterwards.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. What a terrifying dream..I must say, these short stories and illustrations are just wonderful and charming. Thank you for finding your way to my site and liking a post of mine. It’s great to see your work. The colours in your art are very dreamy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great story!

    An Anglican clergyman I knew once saw a ghost lorry (what they call trucks in England) on the highway while he was driving.

    Fortunately the ghost lorry did not pass through him or he might have had a very interesting experience such as you describe here.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved this! Ghost trains are so interesting, imagine being doomed to repeat the same journey for the rest of time. That little snapshot of the ghostly impact was really well done. Also, I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while- do you do your own artwork?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. The Norwegian comics creator Lars Lauvik told me at an occation that mostly any idea is already used, it’s more a matter of finding new ways of presenting them.


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