Metapost Conspiracy


Conspiracy is a story on the connection between power and religion. The story takes place in Mesoamerica, but it could be anywhere, in any civilization or religion. I removed the temple in the ink version to make the first impression a bit more universal.

The conspiracy consists in scaring people with lies to stay in power, and I made human sacrifice a symbol of the horrors people suffer because of these lies. Human sacrifice is just one of many ways people have been tricked into accepting repression, and religion is just one of many means to keep it that way.

Today the sacrifice has taken other forms.


  1. To the history of Christianity (interesting parts, among other parts, of the reading at the atlantean link), I submit for hopefully also interesting reading, for the section you can (after going to that site) link to at the top left — CHRISTIAN ANTI-SEMITISM — from the home page. There are about sixteen subsections, then, for the subject matter, with their own pages from there. I especially appreciate some nuances of how Eusebius, Origen, and others, fed into what Constantine was able to pull off (and is handed down for centuries).


    1. Thank you for responding, but I must say the page you are linking to is not very convincing. It seems to be based on pro-Israel propaganda and religious beliefs. The state of Israel, as long as it is based on nationalism and discrimination, is not justified.

      Jews and Palestinians have to live together as equals. Sadly the state of Israel has a highly repressive way of treating the Palestinian people. I oppose to any kind of repression, especially when based on national and ethnic belonging.

      That said, I believe the lies did not start with Constantine, but has been a factor from the very birth of the monotheist religions. The demand of worshipping only one God is based on power, and has been and still is reason for more violence than anything else in this world.


  2. I understand your point of view on religion and so forth. My reason for sharing the site was not to convince you about religion (as in you must believe in God or join something or whatever else — which is obvious enough… you and any of us will do what we want and what makes sense to us). I also understand the concern about Israelis and Palestinians currently (and I certainly think they need to work out something peaceful and respectful). The purpose of suggesting reading at the site (and particularly the one link there I named) was for historical purposes. So, for instance, the link you gave that I said I looked at earlier seemed to equate (at least at one point) Christianity and Judaism in the history of Constantinian oppression. But Jews were oppressed and lied about and excluded, diligently and intentionally — as was the history of communities associated with Jesus (which began with Jews) lied about. I know the writing isn’t polished, but it is understandable enough (and I think informative). *

    * One thing I think is mistaken is that I wouldn’t call the communities (and especially the initial community) around Jesus “the Church”/churches. Anachronistic semantics.

    On another note, I once bought a book about mazes. (Of course, I also bought many books of mazes because they are fun.) This one book was a historical book, and a bit of a study of contexts and styles and so on. When I was looking at it with my oldest son one day, when he was like three, I was looking at a drawing of a built maze associated with some religion. It went on like a light in my mind that religion is often an attempt to confuse people or make life seem scary or complicated so they feel they need other people to tell them how to live or what to think. So, I went on to teach my son not to let people do that to him. [Now, you might wonder how that is possible if I do believe in God; I don’t know how to explain it, but it is what I did (and with all of my children).] So, I like your story, “Conspiracy” — it makes a good point. And I hold on to that book about mazes from years ago, because I value that moment deeply. Now I had been questioning “things” long before, always a seeker. Still, the moment mattered.

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    1. I think you are right. Religion is usually, at least in part, designed to confuse people, to keep them dependent of the “knowledge” of the religious leaders. The Koran was prohibited to translate for centuries, and in last century’s fascist Spain mass was held in Latin, although practically no one understood anything.

      I do not see any contradiction between rational thinking, open mindedness and belief in God, it’s the belief in the words of for example the Bible just because they are written there that makes people less capable of thinking for themselves from my point of view. One have to be critical to what one believe in, and religious leaders tells people not to.

      You are probably right, the link about The Atlantean Conspiracy is full of wild speculations. I’m not really into conspiracy theories, although there are conspiracies, a lot of them. Still, the theories about them are usually based on fallacies, and to me it’s more a fun thing to write fiction about than anything else. The link was to show some other theories of the same style, I don’t really believe everything it says. I might even have been guilty of not reading it too well before posting it (he declares, a bit ashamed.).

      Jews have without doubt been persecuted throughout history, often accompanied conspiracy theories about how “they” are behind everything that is bad in this world. World War II is the perfect example of how dangerous this can be.

      Talking about mazes, conspiracies and books: I recommend a novel written by an English author named Kate Mosse (yes, almost like the singer, but it’s not her). It’s called Labyrinth, and it’s about the Cathar people in the south of France, who were massacred at the beginning of the Spanish Inquisition. I started reading it just before exam days in university, and it was really not a good idea. A really interesting book, you learn about a lost culture and important historic events reading a particularly exiting story. There’s even a holy grail;)


  3. : ) It does sound interesting. I’ve heard of the Cathar people once before, on NPR (National Public Radio)… just a tiny bit, like half of whatever they were presenting on my way to a grocery store. I think I will look for that book, thank you.

    I just finished reading at the atlantean write-up sometime shortly before your new post here. It got more wound up than I thought it would, but was interesting yet. I found myself smirking at times (not at you but at like, wow, they’re saying that). But by the end I really knew you didn’t believe all of it (which I kinda figured anyway, as no one agrees with all pages linked to and so forth). But, specifically, I remember reading elsewhere on your site (your own writing) that you believe sentience is connected to our physicality.

    I have a similar way of looking at things, although I don’t know that you’d necessarily find it similar. I don’t think, for instance, that if you could place a brain within something of a body (mechanical or connected to nerves and a computer, or using a donor body or invented biomass, whatever) that you would have the same person.

    Well, now I’ve really gotten off track.


    1. Hehe, no worries, it’s interesting. It’s some complicated questions you’re rising there. No one really knows, right?

      The mind might end up being the final frontiers of knowledge, at least one of them. I have a monistic view of reality, that there is one fundamental substance of reality, as opposed to two, the dualistic view, like in Christianity. Monism is, however, compatible with several God concepts, as the one of Spinoza.

      How the brain would react to such transplant, I don’t know. Would be interesting, the hard part would be to find a volunteer;) Here’s an interesting link I found on free will, now that we’re already off track: I was really looking for something else, an old experiment on victims of lobotomy, or whatever they called cutting people’s brains in half. It seemed that if you told one half of the brain one thing, the other, if you asked it after the action, thought it had voluntarily made the decision of other reasons. I didn’t find it, but I read about it in Steven Pinker’s book The Blank Slate.

      Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate it. Makes me think a bit.


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