Temple of Death

This story was on the “top posts”- list of my blog for a long time. Reblogged today, and here’s a little text about the idea behind, and the pencil drawing:


Temple of death.jpg

Rabe, Sink and Torkey stood in front of the huge metal door. The door was marked with symbols of an ancient civilization. Some symbolized death, the sculls and bones made that part easy to see. An other seemed to prohibit entrance. The third one was more diffuse, they had no idea what it meant. It was black and yellow, circle shaped with three triangles pointing into another smaller circle in the centre.

Probably some kind of old religious symbol, said Rabe, archaeologist and leader of the expedition. Most likely a warning of some curse or something. Everyone knew curses didn’t work, there was no reason to worry.

The door was securely locked, but Sink was an expert in explosives. The door went down. A dark tunnel lay open in front of them. They could smell a strange stench from inside.
What if… started Sink.
What if what? Torkey looked at…

View original post 727 more words


    1. I saw a documentary about the subject once, and it really is a major problem how to make sure people do not enter in a storage place for nuclear waste. History shows the more we are warned, the more we want to enter. Thanks, Jac!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha, true enough. As the glorious Terry Pratchett once said, ‘Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying ‘End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH’, the paint wouldn’t even have time to dry.’

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